6/3/2024 Release (41.0)

Enhancements to Bank Transaction automatic reconciliation and performance on the core Financial Reports.

New Features/Enhancements

Performance Enhancements

  1. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss render 80% quicker (80% less latency).
  2. General Ledger endpoint responds 15% quicker (15% less latency).

Bank Transfer Matching

  1. Bank Transfers can be matched with any transaction of the same amount, which automatically converts to a Bank Transfer.

Accounting Migrations

  1. Xero and QBO migrations support importing XLS/XLSX files in addition to prior CSV support.

Accountant Dashboard

  1. Accountants can automatically get access to all users by setting canAccessAllUsers to true.


  1. New function added to render Plaid Link directly over your existing onboarding UI, removing the need to manually pass Plaid access_tokens to the Hurdlr API

Transactions UI

  1. The bankDescription field will now be displayed when hovering over transaction rows on the transactions and reconciliation dashboards.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixes to deletedIds on GET /generalLedgerEntries.
  2. Fixes to CSV Import Completed alert to include counts for bank transfers and tax payments.
  3. Fixes to date filtering when drilling down into “Current Income” from Balance Sheet.
  4. Removal of Equity/Liabilities income from business income reports.
  5. Improved consistency of date-pickers throughout the Embedded UI.