Data Sources

Tight's Expense Tracking API sits directly on top of your Plaid or MX integration. If you don't have an Integration yet, Tight enables you to skip past the burden of building your own back-end to store all that transaction (and related) data. Or, if you already have an integration, you can leverage Tight's Expense Tracking API to enrich the data you're already storing.

Once you have your data source integration interfaced with the Tight API (less than one calendar day of labor), you can immediately start using all of Hurdlr's Expense Tracking functionality.

1. Connecting your Plaid or MX integration

Please reference our Plaid integration or MX integration documentation for detailed instructions on connecting your data sources with the Tight API.


Custom data sources

If you have a custom data source (e.g. if you are developing software for a bank), the Tight API team would be glad to help you securely expose that data in a way that the Tight API can consume it. The Tight API team has established custom interfaces with banks, making the integration process turn-key for our partners. Don't hesitate to email us at [email protected].

2. Next Steps

After your user's data sources are linked into the Tight API, Tight will automatically begin ingesting transactions from the user's linked accounts. All of Tight's Expense Tracking features will immediately become available to your user, both in the Embeddable User Interface and via API.