Tax Reporting

Tight's Reporting API makes it easy for you to provide your users with the tax reporting that they need.

1. How it works

Whether or not you are leveraging the Plaid integration, the Tight API automatically keeps a General Ledger behind the scenes for all of your users. While your users may never want to look at a GL or Chart of Accounts, the beauty of the behind-the-scenes GL is that they get all the tax reporting that they could ever need, without the burden of having to manage a General Ledger or understand bookkeeping.

As the user's business (and financial complexity) grows, the necessary reporting will always be available for them in real-time. For example, if your user is a sole proprietor that normally files a Schedule C, then they decide to become an LLC necessitating a Form 1065, you will only need to alter one parameter via the Tight API to get them the new tax report that they need.

2. Connecting your data sources

Once you have registered your user with the Tight API, you will want to feed in your user's transaction data. That can be done via a Plaid integration, or via a custom integration. Reach out to our API team at [email protected]; we are ready and excited to help you get your existing data sources feeding into the Tight API.

3. Generating a tax report

To generate a tax report for your user, simply make the following POST call, including the user's access_token:

curl \
  --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "name": "scheduleC",
    "params": {
      "year": 2020
    "exportType": "PDF"

The available params varies for each report. Simply click on the items under the "Tax Reporting" section on the left navigation pane to see what reports and parameters are available.

4. Displaying a report to your user

In the above example, we used an exportType of "PDF", which will result in a response like the following:

  "url": "",

The url field contains a temporary link to the generated report, which you should download to your own file server (e.g. Amazon S3). Then, you can allow your user to download from that URL. Or, you could render that URL inside your app's UI. Another popular use case is to email your user a link to that file, so that your users receive the tax report from your domain.

5. Customizing reports to match your branding

Tight's API team can quickly customize financial reports to match your branding. Please follow the instructions on customizing the embedded UI to match your branding.