If Invoicing is not your product team's core competency, let Tight's proven invoicing platform handle the heavy-lifting.
Already have Invoicing? If your invoicing product is more of an MVP than a version 3.0, you should strongly consider leveraging Tight's Invoicing API. Tight's Invoicing API covers all the edge cases that your users need, fast forwarding you through many development/iteration cycles.
Features include:
- Ability to customize invoices, including brand logo and colors
- Ability to create draft invoices, preview them, and send quotes
- Ability to schedule future invoices, including recurring invoices
- Ability to keep a card on file, for auto-charging
- Ability to finalize invoices and view paid invoices, with automatic reconciliation
Third party payment processing
Rest assured, you can easily connect your existing payment processing to the Tight API, so that your users can continue to use their existing merchant accounts and your company's merchant fee structure can remain in place.

Updated 16 days ago