Mixpanel Events
1. How it works
Once you have integrated Mixpanel into your Hurdlr SDK implementation, you will start to see events log against your users in Mixpanel. Hurdlr's standard set of events are listed below.
2. Event Dictionary
Feature | Event Name |
Accounting | accountingChartOfAccountsShown |
Accounting | accountingGeneralLedgerShown |
Accounting | accountingPressed |
Accounting | balanceSheetPressed |
Accounting | beginningBalanceTapped |
Accounting | chartOfAccountsPressed |
Accounting | generalLedgerPressed |
Accounting | journalEntryUpdated |
Accounting | trialBalancePressed |
Banks | bankAutoClassifySet |
Banks | bankErrorBannerShown |
Banks | bankManualAccountAdded |
Banks | plaidAccountsAdded |
Banks | plaidAccountsDeleted |
Banks | plaidRecaptchaShown |
Deduction Finder | dfLikelyComplete |
Deduction Finder | dfLikelyShown |
Deduction Finder | dfLikelyTagged |
Deduction Finder | dfPromptDismissed |
Deduction Finder | dfPromptShown |
Deduction Finder | dfQuestionableComplete |
Deduction Finder | dfQuestionableShown |
Deduction Finder | dfQuestionableTagged |
Deduction Finder | dfShown |
Deduction Finder | dfTotalsShown |
Deduction Finder | dfUnlikelyComplete |
Deduction Finder | dfUnlikelyShown |
Deduction Finder | dfUnlikelyTagged |
Expense Tracking | expenseAutoTapped |
Expense Tracking | expenseBankAdded |
Expense Tracking | expenseDashShown |
Expense Tracking | expenseIntegrationAdded |
Expense Tracking | expenseManualTapped |
Expense Tracking | expenseRuleSuggestionPromptDismissed |
Expense Tracking | expenseRuleSuggestionPromptOpened |
Expense Tracking | expenseRuleSuggestionPromptShown |
Expense Tracking | expenseRuleUpdated |
Expense Tracking | expenseSearchItemTapped |
Expense Tracking | expenseUpdated |
General | homeShown |
General | tilesShown |
Income Streams | incomeDashShown |
Income Streams | revenueAutoTapped |
Income Streams | revenueBankAdded |
Income Streams | revenueIntegrationAdded |
Income Streams | revenueManualTapped |
Income Streams | revenueSearchItemTapped |
Income Streams | revenueUpdated |
Invoicing | agingReportPressed |
Invoicing | invoiceFormCreatePreviewPressed |
Invoicing | invoiceFormPaymentsAdded |
Invoicing | invoiceFormSaveNoSendPressed |
Invoicing | invoiceFormSendPressed |
Invoicing | invoicePaid |
Invoicing | invoiceSetupBusinessInfoShown |
Invoicing | invoiceSetupComplete |
Invoicing | invoiceSetupCustomInfoShown |
Invoicing | invoiceSetupPaymentProcessingShown |
Invoicing | invoicesPressed |
Invoicing | invoicesShown |
Invoicing | invoiceUpdated |
Payroll | payrollAutoTapped |
Payroll | payrollPressed |
Personal Budgeting | budgetSetupIncomeShown |
Personal Budgeting | budgetSetupPressed |
Personal Budgeting | budgetSetupResultsShown |
Personal Budgeting | budgetShown |
Reporting | reportAutoTapped |
Reporting | reportExportPressed |
Reporting | reportForm1065Pressed |
Reporting | reportForm1120Pressed |
Reporting | reportForm1120SPressed |
Reporting | reportSchedCPressed |
Reporting | reportT2125Pressed |
Taxes | taxDashShown |
Taxes | taxFilingPressed |
Taxes | taxFilingRegistration |
Taxes | taxPaymentsPressed |
Taxes | taxPaymentUpdated |
Taxes | taxFilingRedirectTapped |
Taxes | taxReportPressed |
Taxes | taxSetupCompleted |
Taxes | taxSetupDisclaimerCanadaShown |
Taxes | taxSetupDisclaimerShown |
Taxes | taxSetupFederalFilingShown |
Taxes | taxSetupPressed |
Taxes | taxSetupSpouseShown |
Taxes | taxSetupStateFilingShown |
Taxes | taxSetupT4Shown |
Taxes | taxSetupW2Shown |
Taxes | taxSetupZeroIncomeShown |
Taxes | taxSetupZeroShown |
Transaction Import | importColumnsMapped |
Transaction Import | importLearnMoreShown |
Transaction Import | importPromptDismissed |
Transaction Import | importPromptShown |
Transaction Import | importTransactionsComplete |
Updated 4 months ago