User Activation

Now that you're registering users and rendering the user interfaces for your desired feature sets, your product team will likely want to track and optimize the user activation funnel.

1. Receiving and tracking user-driven events

In order to receive the important user-driven events for tracking and optimizing user activation, you will want to subscribe to events via one or more of the following methods:

a. Intercom integration: if your team utilizes Intercom for user support and messaging

b. Mixpanel integration: if your team utilizes Mixpanel for tracking aggregate user behavior

c. Lifecycle webhooks: if your team has custom-built user messaging and behavior tracking flows

d. Data Lakes: if your team has custom-built flows and wants to get user behavior data into your data scientists' hands without involving developers

2. Sending timely notifications

With detailed user-level events, Tight gives you the tools to send the right notification at the right time, ensuring you are helping your users activate as successfully as possible. The following events are proven to drive initial user activation:

a. Linking a bank account or credit card

Event: bankAdded

Notification timing: User registered >2 days ago and bankAdded not triggered

Messaging: Link your card to automate your expense tracking

Follow-up actions: expenseAdded, expenseUpdated, expenseRuleAccepted, expenseAutoTagged

b. Setting up invoicing

Event: invoiceSetupCompleted

Notification timing: User registered >5 days ago and invoiceSetupCompleted not triggered

Messaging: Customize your invoices and get paid faster

Follow-up actions: paymentProcessingSetupCompleted, invoiceCreated

3. Tracking user activation funnels

There are many different ways to build and track funnels depending on the goals of your product and the user analytics tools that your team uses. A couple basic examples are described below:

a. Expense Tracking Funnel:

Funnel StepEventDescription
1N/A (tracked within your product)User registered
2bankAddedUser linked their bank or credit card for automated transaction categorization
3expenseUpdatedUser updated an expense (e.g. edited a category)
4expenseRuleAcceptedUser accepted an automated expense rule, indicating that they have customized/personalized the app to their needs
5expenseAutoTaggedUser is rewarded (and is very likely retained)

b. Invoicing Funnel

Funnel StepEventDescription
1N/A (tracked within your product)User registered
2invoiceSetupCompletedUser added their company branding, logo, address, etc., to customize their invoice template
3paymentProcessingSetupCompletedUser is now able to accept credit card and ACH payments
4invoiceCreatedUser sent an invoice to their client
5invoicePaidUser received payment from their client for an invoice (and is very likely retained)

4. Next steps

Every product embedding Tight's APIs and SDKs is unique, which means your user's activation funnel has nuances that the high-level guidance above may not cover. Reach out to our API team at, and our team will gladly share helpful insights based on the 1.1M+ businesses that have gone through Tight's activation funnels.