Payment Processing

Rest assured, you can hook up your own payment processing to Tight's Invoicing API. If you are using Stripe or Moov for payment processing, then you can simply share your Stripe or Moov credentials with Tight, and the Tight API will take care of the rest.

If you'd like to use a payment processor other than Stripe or Moov, you can do so by performing the steps detailed below.

1. Getting started

Tight recognizes that payment processing is critical to the business model of many FinTechs. As such, the Tight API allows you to connect your existing accounts, from any payment processor, including but not limited to:

  1. Stripe (native integration, which requires simply sharing keys)
  2. Moov (native integration, which requires simply sharing keys)
  3. Maast (native integration, which requires simply sharing keys)
  4. ProPay
  5. PayPal
  6. Square
  7. Braintree
  8. WePay

The Tight API team can help you securely connect your existing payment processing accounts; simply email us at [email protected].

2. How it works

If you have already implemented your own payment processing mechanism (e.g. to allow your users to accept credit card payments, ACH, etc.), then you'll want to follow the steps outlined below to get your payment processing integrated with the Tight API.

Once integrated, your users will be able to send out invoices, and their clients will be able to pay those invoices using your payment processor of choice. Your back-end will communicate with the Tight API to let it know of any updates to payments.

The Tight API, as always, will take care of all the double-entry accounting behind the scenes. And the burden of creating a robust invoicing engine to pair with your payment processing is taken off of your dev team's shoulders.


Automatic income reconciliation

Once you hook up your users' income data sources (e.g. bank accounts) to Tight, Tight's algorithms will automatically find and reconcile the bank deposits to the associated invoice payments (from your payment processor), in real-time.

3. Creating a merchant account for your user

When connecting a third party payment processor to the Tight API, you own the experience around creating a merchant for your user. As such, the UX for creating a merchant account sits inside your product.

If you are using Tight's Embeddable Invoice Dashboard, then you will also need to register a listener. By registering a listener, the Tight SDK will invoke the callback function you provide when users perform key actions, so that you can route the user to the proper place within your own UI.

To register the listener, simply add the following line of JS to be ran once after Hurdlr.init({...}):


The two key interactions that will invoke your callback function are:

a) the user presses a CTA to set up their payment processing
b) the user presses a CTA to refund an invoice that was already paid for through your payment processing

Now that you have registered the listener, you are ready to handle when a user wants to set up payment processing (e.g. to accept credit card payments). Whenever a user presses a CTA to set up payment processing, myPaymentProcessingCallback will be invoked with a JSON object as the single argument.

When that CTA is clicked, we recommend you take the following actions:

a) route the user to your payment processing (or merchant account creation) flow, so they can complete their merchant setup
b) once complete, update the user's invoice setup record to set thirdPartyPaymentsEnabled to true

An example implementation of myPaymentProcessingCallback is shown below:

var myPaymentProcessingCallback = (data) => {
  switch (data.type) {
      // route user to my existing payment processing setup flow
      // once complete, POST to /invoiceSetup to set { invoiceSetupComplete: true, thirdPartyPaymentsEnabled: true }
    case Hurdlr.REFUND_INVOICE:
  // route back to my app's invoice dashboard screen


4. Processing a payment

If you are using Tight's Embeddable Client-facing Invoice, then you will also need to register a listener. By passing in a paymentCallbackFunction into the Hurdlr.renderClientInvoice() function, the Tight SDK will invoke the callback function you provide when the user's client performs key actions, such as pressing a CTA to pay the invoice, so that you can route the user to the proper place within your own UI.

When the "pay invoice" CTA is clicked, we recommend you take the following actions:

a) route the user to your payment capture flow
b) process the payment for the specific invoice (using data.invoiceId) via your payment processor
c) alert the Tight API that the payment was processed

An example implementation of myClientInvoiceCallback is shown below:

var myClientInvoiceCallback = ({ type, invoiceId, invoiceName, invoiceBalance }) => {
  switch (type) {
    case Hurdlr.PAY_INVOICE:
      // route user to my existing payment capture flow
      // process the payment with my payment processor, for invoice with id===invoiceId
      // once complete, POST the payment to /payment

Hurdlr.renderClientInvoice("myDiv", { paymentCallbackFunction: myClientInvoiceCallback });

Whenever you process a payment for a finalized invoice, you should let the Tight API know that you've done so by assembling the following fields in a JSON object:

invoiceIdId of the invoice to mark paidNumeric
grossPaymentAmountTotal amount paid by the clientNumeric, with 2 decimal places
feePaymentAmountService fee to process the payment (subtracted out of the grossPaymentAmount)Numeric, with 2 decimal places
apiPaymentIdId of the payment in your DB (or from your payment processor)Any string
paymentSourceDisplay name for the paymentAny string (e.g. "Visa *4747 Charge")
statusStatus of the payment (especially useful for ACH)Must be one of the following:

To mark the invoice as paid, simply POST the above JSON object to the /payment endpoint:

curl \
  --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "payment": {
      "invoiceId": 21850,
      "grossPaymentAmount": 150.00,
      "feePaymentAmount": 4.50,
      "apiPaymentId": "ch_3KX9F5KkMq1CsF5K00DChQgZ",
      "paymentSource": "Visa *4747 Charge",
      "status": "PROCESSED"

5. Refunding a payment

Now that you have registered the listener, you are ready to handle when a user wants to refund a paid invoice. Whenever a user presses a CTA to refund a paid invoice, myPaymentProcessingCallback will be invoked with a JSON object as the single argument.

When that CTA is clicked, we recommend you take the following actions:

a) process the refund for the specific invoice (using data.invoiceId) via your payment processor
b) alert the Tight API that the refund was processed, by marking the invoice as refunded

An example implementation of myPaymentProcessingCallback is shown below:

var myPaymentProcessorCallback = ({ type, invoiceId }) => {
  switch (type) {
      // route user to my existing payment processing setup flow
      // once complete, POST to /invoiceSetup to set { invoiceSetupComplete: true, thirdPartyPaymentsEnabled: true }
    case Hurdlr.REFUND_INVOICE:
      // process the refund with my payment processor, for invoice with id===invoiceId
      // once complete, POST the refunded payment to /payment
  // route back to my app's invoice dashboard screen


Whenever you issue a refund for a payment that you processed, you should let the Tight API know that you've done so by assembling the following fields in a JSON object:

apiPaymentIdId of the payment in your DB (or from your payment processor)Numeric

To mark the payment as refunded, simply POST the above JSON object to the /payment endpoint:

curl \
  --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "payment": {
      "apiPaymentId": "ch_3KX9F5KkMq1CsF5K00DChQgZ",
      "status": "REFUNDED"

6. Sending a payment receipt

To send a payment receipt to the client, you can simply make a POST call to the /sendReceipt endpoint:

curl \
  --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "invoiceIds": [

If you'd like these emails to originate from your own domain, simply email [email protected] and our API team will work with you to set that up.

7. Recurring Invoices

Tight's Invoicing API makes creating recurring invoices easy, as detailed in the Creating an Invoice Draft section. The recurrence itself is managed via the Tight API, not your payment processor. So even if your payment processor doesn't support recurring payments, you can utilize Tight's API on top of your payment processor to easily add that functionality.